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Company Statement – Coronavirus

Company Statement – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

During these unprecedented times, our main priority is to look after the health and well-being of our Team, Customers and other members of the General Public. To combat this we are actively monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19 and following all Government advice. With this in mind, we have had to reduce the number of staff coming into contact with each other, where possible, to do this we have encouraged measures of isolation and social distancing and also encouraged the team to work from home.

All of the team at Robin Appel Ltd have access to our computer systems and remain contactable on our landlines and mobile phones. Modern technology has allowed us to operate from home, in the same manner in which we work at our desks in the Office. This will hopefully allow the team to answer all your questions as seamlessly as before and will feel like “business as usual”.

We are urging everyone to move over to BACS payments rather than payment by cheque, please contact our accounts department via email on with your bank details and your preferred email address. We have also switched the majority of our paperwork to be sent via email rather than post, to minimise human contact.

With our haulage fleet delivering key ingredients into the food supply chain, our lorry drivers are operating as normal and we expect to be able to continue this right through to harvest. There will no doubt be some changes as to how we approach harvest 2020 but we will continue to adapt as the situation changes on a daily and weekly basis.

If you have any questions please do speak to your normal RA Ltd contact or ring the main number on 01489 896388

Please take care, follow government guidelines and we look forward to normality returning as and when the situation improves.

Jonathan Arnold
Director – Robin Appel Ltd